Cavebase - 10 Years!
Team: Alle
Guests: Many
This year, the Cavebase & Friends meeting was held under a special sign, because the Cavebase celebrates its tenth anniversary.
Daily program
In beautiful autumn weather, the Cavebase met with old friends and interested people at Lake Starnberg to chat, talk shop and of course to dive. A small course, where a few skills from the cave diving were demanded, provided for a little diversion during the diving. At the same time there was the possibility to test the new lamp tanks in front of Thor.
To show the development of diving since the foundation of Cavebase, diving equipment from a decade of Cavebase was exhibited. In direct comparison, the progress of the diving equipment was remarkable and also caused astonishment with one or the other visitor.
Evening program
After the sun had taken its leave behind the Alps, the evening program followed in the restaurant 3 Rosen in Bernried. Besides a review of the last ten years of Cavebase and the premiere of the video of the Spain project, the time was used for an extensive exchange of experiences and of course also for celebrating ;)
In this spirit,
Your Cavebase