Techsymposium 2015
In 2015 we were again invited to the Cloth Symposium as speakers. This year Florian Hang and Heinke Teichmann presented our projects of the last two years. Our presentation lasted about 45min. and was decorated with rich impressions from the projects. To get a better picture of our presentation, you can download it here. As in the years before, we found the Techsymposium to be almost perfectly organized, the talks were extremely good throughout, the audience very, very attentive and there was definitely no boredom. Really a very successful event! We would like to take this opportunity to thank Frank Olbert, Eric Simgen and the entire TDN team for the successful event.
For us as Cavebase there was another important event at the same time. This weekend we were able to receive our much longed for Thor lampheads. Tom Bub had already given us the pleasure the evening before and handed over 10 lamp heads, as ordered. A real highlight for us, because the lamp is after almost 2 years of hard development finally ready to fit our needs perfectly. We were all extremely happy.
In this spirit,
Your Cavebase