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DIR - Austria 02/2008


Some members of the Cavebase met on 09. and 10.02.08 at the beautiful Attersee in Austria with the D.I.R. - Austria guys.

The meeting was mainly about rebreather topics. But of course there was also a lot of chatting and exchanging of information. The meeting came about because Roland and Holk and Clemenzo have been talking a lot about rebreathers lately (via Skype).

The meeting point was the dive site "Ofen" at 09:30. Arrived at the meeting point, even if a bit late, we greeted each other and talked :-)

Afterwards we dived in different buddy teams.

Robin, Arne and Marc were on the way with the rebreathers. Oli and Tim OC and made a Trimix TG at the wall on 90 m with 15 min bottom time, a longer bottom time was not possible at 3 °C in the water. Clemens and Holger dived to 75m. All were with Gavin and Suexscooters respectively.


In the afternoon we went to the "Zenznstuben", a very cozy Austrian "Boazn" (economy).

After the hearty meal, Roland explained the structure, or Funktionsweiße of the RB80. Furthermore, a few videos were shown or exchanged. In the meantime it was already relatively late, so we slowly headed towards the hotel.

We were accommodated in 2 different pensions/hotels. Holk, Clemenzo, Tobi with girlfriend in the pension Untersperger, and Roland, Robin, Tibor, Oli, Tim, Marc, Arne, Frank and Eric in the hotel sun in Weyregg.

We met, after a hearty breakfast, at 09:30 at the dive site. The different buddy teams got ready so that it went quite quickly into the water. Holk and Clemenzo used what they learned yesterday and went into the water with the RB80 rebreathers. Since Roland was unfortunately injured on his right hand and wore a cast, Robin went into the water with the two (one after the other). It was dived exclusively with EAN50.

After everyone was out of the water, some went straight home, while others met for lunch at the "Zenznstuben".

All in all it was a very funny and constructive meeting which will be repeated for sure!

In this sense,

Your Cavebase

