Source du Castor - 2019
After we had already tried in 2018 to dive in the Castor to End of Line, but due to the weather conditions had to break off prematurely, it was quickly clear during the planning for 2019 that we want to attack the goal of 2018 in 2019 again. So at the end of May, highly motivated, we set off for the Ardèche, with the goal of diving all the way to Salle Chaotique and looking for a continuation.
SPOILER: This time we should be successful! We managed to reach the End of Line in Salle Chaotique and found Sump 2 there, which we were able to explore completely. Detailed information about the project and the dives you can read in the following reports:
- A rough overview of the days on site and how the project went and how we used the days on site, you get in the project flow
- You can review the dives with the Push Team here
- The photo and docu team reports about their dives
- Information about the Source Castor as well as a description of the newly explored sections Salle Chaotique and Donut Sump
- How we as a team plan and execute our projects
We thank the Réserve Naturelle Nationale des Gorges de l'Ardèche for the diving permit and the very constructive exchange during the project.
A big thank you also to the Camping des Templiers for letting us use the cable car for so long, the French savoir vivre with daily fresh croissaints and baguettes and the always open ear for us!
In this sense
Your Cavebase
Besides the successful exploration of the 2nd sump, we were also able to record extensive data. Attached is the profile of the main passage as well as the location in the terrain from a bird's eye view:
P.S.: Of course there is also a video of our project.