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Boot 2015


Team: Alle


Cavebase at the Boot great 14 days are behind us, many news about scooters, lamps and rebreathers have made the Boot this year really an extraordinary experience. We shared the two weekends in the team, Guy, Anke, Steffen and Benjamin "took over" the first weekend - Tobias, Oliver, Heinke, Florian and Wilke represented Cavebase at the Bare / Atomic booth on the second weekend.

In this spirit,

Your Cavebase

Surface Manager Guy


Cavebase & Friends Meeting 2014


Also this year we held our annual Cavebase & Friends meeting. We could welcome about 40 people. All participants took the opportunity to learn about our projects, procedures and equipment. Conversely, we as Cavebase learned a lot of new things about CCR systems during long explorations. We had invited several SF2 experts and KISS experts and could therefore gather a lot of valuable information.

A session about sidemount diving - which is not very common in DIR circles - concluded the event excellently from the technical side.

The equipment side was not neglected either: Cavebase is currently advising two manufacturers on the development of LED lamps and drysuits - the prototypes of the suits could already be dived this weekend - and will be officially available from the Boot in Jan. The LED lamp is still in development, here we are not allowed to spread any information yet for legal reasons - except that this lamp will surprise us all very much ;-) 

In the evening there was a big party - we had rented a complete restaurant and during dinner the conversations continued until late at night, new plans were made and there was a lot of talking shop. All in all a really great event!!!

In this sense,

Your Cavebase





Croatia 2014


In October we took a closer look at Croatia, a week of cave diving in exclusive locations - including surveys and line extensions.

You can find more information in the report.

In this sense,

Your Cavebase




Gourneyras 2014 EoL


In June the Cavebase team dived the Gourneyras. Each of the team members was able to make his personal exploration dive.

In the report you can find more information ( link )


In this sense,

Your Cavebase




Kobanya Mine in Budapest


Team: Tobi und Wilke


Kobanya Mine in Budapest - a great experience!

Tobias and Wilke left for Budapest on Father's Day ;-). On the program was a photo session and an extensive exploration of the famous mine in Budapest. A great short weekend in Budapest with great impressions from a very, very old mine. Really worth a trip.

In this sense,

Your Cavebase

